Carolina EMG Specialists the premier electrodiagnostic testing services in North Carolina.

Carolina EMG Specialists the premier electrodiagnostic testing services in North Carolina.

Carolina EMG Specialists the premier electrodiagnostic testing services in North Carolina.

Carolina EMG Specialists the premier electrodiagnostic testing services in North Carolina.
Medical practices have consistently chosen the professional, comprehensive services provided by
the experts at
Carolina EMG Specialists, Inc.
was founded by Dave DuMond in 2012 and provides traditional electrodiagnostic testing on-site for physician clinics, private physical therapy practices, rehabilitation facilities, and self-insured employers. We use traditional electrodiagnostic testing equipment (Cadwell Sierra Wedge II/Cadwell Laboratories, Inc./Kennewick, WA) and invasive needle EMG techniques, identical to the studies performed by neurologists and physiatrists.

value. ​quality care. convenience.